Quick cooperation for distant teams

Your remote team can communicate, work together, and monitor project progress all in one location.

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Team up with your colleagues

Built around channels, which are centralized locations for everyone and all of your work-related needs. Connecting across offices, time zones, departments, and even other businesses is simpler through channels.

Decide on your working style.

You have complete freedom to work whenever, when, and whatever it suits you. You may easily communicate, send audio and video files, or join a meeting to have a live discussion.

You can move more quickly.

Your other work apps can be connected to our software so you can work more quickly. You may automate away repetitive processes with the help of strong technologies like Workflow Builder.

What people say about Team so far

Highly recommended. Everything is just perfect. The software really help everyone in the team to connect and work efficiently. I love all the features.

Joana dela Cruz

CEO of GoGo Bike

It is definitely one of the best team apps I have ever used. I highly recommend. I just hope they would a feature where we can view all the active members. But all in all, very nice experience.

Jason Morgan

Store Owner

Thank you for this genius software which made our work much easier and a lot convenient. Wasn’t able to see any problems so far.

Kelly Hondras

Graphic Designer